Representation Of Teenagers On News Papers

"Teenagers Pea-sized brains"

From reading the article the auidience is too adults/parents
the reason for this is to talk about alcohol abuse with teenagers.
In the beginning of this article it describes teenagers as "impossible", it doesn't represent teenagers as good people in this article it isn't very fair to teenagers as a whole in this article. Many stereotypes are used in this article of teenagers being lazy and "our strapping 16-year-old son may be fully grown, but he has a brain the size of a shrivelled pea." The daily mail doesn't speak well at all towards teenagers which isn't fair at all as its making out all teenagers are useless and pointless yet there are a lot of adults which rent as clever as adults.

Teenagers are represented in bad ways through media e.g Daily mail, They are portrayed like this as it shines bad light onto teenagers as they make mistakes and will make a better story if a 16 year old is doing something wrong rather then a 40year old. They do this because it entices the reader and makes them ask questions of e.g How have they been raised like this? and what would there parents think? which makes the story is a lot better.

Teenagers in this article are being accused of the murder of an MMA fighter, The teenagers are presented in a bad way as they have been accused. Many stereotypes have been used about the teenagers of their up bringing and background because of the scenario. The audience is everyone as teenagers murdering an MMA fighter will bring a variety of audience.

This teenager has been done for dealing the drugs of MDMA to another teen which has lead to her death, the target audience is to everyone as it raises awareness off drug use and the effects and also to young teenagers and this deters people from taking drugs and the selling off drugs, The teenagers have been put in a bad light in this story as of the drug use and selling towards the young girls death, but in this case its right to shine a bad light onto this as it lead to the death of a teenager and people need to be aware of the consequences.


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