How Is The Representation Of Gender Constructed In The Text?

How is the representation of gender constructed in the text?
The director in Mad Men used a variety of different camera techniques within the 5minute clip which we watched the first i noticed was the Birds eye shot used to give you a perspective of where you are and introduce you to being in New York as it is very busy and contains taxis and cars with the shot. The cars and taxis were from the 1960's based on the style of them which also from just started it tells you what time zone the series is set within and this continued throughout the clip showing type writers, The stereo typical office blocks and by what clothes the actors are wearing these were all shown and made relevant to be the focus point for the cameras to pick out.

Another technique used was tracking, Tracking was used in order to follow the employees and to make the person watching feel as if they are walking with them, it is also used to show the viewers the office and how busy it is and give the viewers perspective.

Non-digetic sounds where used in the clip from Mad Men which creates a sound for the viewer to understand background of where they are etc. Music from the 1960's was played in the background of some scenes which creates an understanding of what era it is also being the first episode of the series it is important that they do that for the viewer to gain an understanding of what year it is.

The sounds used in Mad Men where calm and collective giving the listener an understanding off whats going to happen in the series (Horror film has fast pace usually higher pitch to represent the mood and add effect).

The editor uses the technique shot reverse shot this is useful in this scenario because in an office environment which Mad Men is in it allows the viewer to engage into the conversation between the two characters and add creativity within the filming.

Mise en Sene:
Mise en Sene is used within Mad Men from the beginning areal shot showing the busy New York City streets the old 1960 suits, brief cases, old fashioned cars and the iconic yellow cabs of NYC.
The office blocks and from the tracking shot used following the characters all the way through the building showing people smoking inside which is a very 60's thing to type writers and the 60's hair styles.

Gender equality shows a big part in the clip from Mad Men as women were the office workers and the men were the higher up jobs with the women working for them, The women in the series was told to show her ankles to be gain the males attention and help within working which shows how the females were ranked lower as they were only pointed to office jobs and had to gain a males attention by dressing provocatively in order to do that.


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